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Cemeteries, Churchyards and War Memorials

West Lothian Council manages and maintains all council owned cemeteries, churchyards and war memorials.

We offer a fully comprehensive service to anyone requiring advice or assistance with this matter. We also make provision and arrangements for Muslim burials.

The cemeteries staff provide a comprehensive burial service to the public, and deal with the sale of lairs, interments (or burials), and issue permission to put up headstones.

Fees and Payments effective from 1 April 2024 

Sale of Lair

  • All cemeteries: £950.29
  • Cremation Lair - four sets of ashes: £378.98

Interment Fees

  • Adult: £907.04
  • 6-18 years: No charge
  • Stillborn and up to 5 years (including cremated remains): No charge
  • Cremated Remains: £195.69

Other Charges

  • Duplicate Certificate: £31.79
  • Transfer Certificate: £31.79

Headstone Applications - Adambrae, Kingscavil, Fauldhouse (New Extension), Hermand Park, Woodbank (New Extension) - Strip Foundation

  • Headstone under 3 feet high: £131.85
  • Headstone over 3 feet high: £190.74

Headstone Applications - other Cemeteries

  • Headstone under 3 feet high: £79.11
  • Headstone over 3 feet high: £130.08

Adambrae Cemetery, Livingston

  • Memorial Planter - 10 Year Lease: £535.33
  • Memorial Planter - 20 Year Lease: £638.71


  • The charges for services out with normal hours (i.e.  09:30 to 14.30 or 15:00 Mon to Thu, 09:30 to 14.30 Fri, and 09:30 to 11:00 Sat) will increase by 50%.
  • The charges for services on Sunday and public holidays will be increased by 100%.
  • Any service out with normal hours will be at the discretion of the council.
  • From 1 November to 28 February the last funeral time will be 14:30 in all cemeteries.
  • From 1 March to 31 October the last funeral time will be 15:00 at Blaeberry, Boghead, Adambrae, Uphall and Loaninghill. The last funeral time at other cemeteries will be 14:30.

Headstone Stabilisation Inspection Programme

As part of the programme to ensure that cemeteries remain safe for both visitors and employees, West Lothian Council Cemeteries service and their appointed contractor will be carrying out stability inspections and repair of headstones for full information please visit Headstone Stabilisation Inspection Programme.

Burial Records

If undertaking Family History or Genealogy searches, please contact:-

To request an appointment and visit our cemeteries office in person: Please first telephone 01506 280000.

Cemetery Management Rules

Approval has been given for the Cemetery Management Rules by the Council Executive and these can be viewed below.

East Calder Cemetery Plan

Customer Survey

Please help us to improve our service to you by completing our survey - Cemeteries Services - Customer Survey (opens new window)

Service Standards

We Will:

  • Arrange interments within 24 hours of receipt of full details
  • Keep burial and lair registers records and make these available for the public to read during normal office hours
  • Pre-sell lairs, where cemeteries have sufficient capacity and are unrestricted
  • Ensure that sufficient cemetery provision is made to allow West Lothian people to be buried within West Lothian if they so wish
  • Provide special facilities for Muslim burials and the interment of babies
  • Advise customers of any restrictions applying to the erection of headstones and memorials, tributes or other items which may be left on lairs and give authorisation to erect approved headstones or memorials within five working days of receipt of an application
  • Leave floral tributes in place for at least 21 days after an interment and keep other tributes such as teddy bears for at least 21 days after interments
  • Treat the deceased and their relatives sensitively and with proper consideration and respect
  • Ensure the Council's cemeteries are always tidy and well maintained

Frequently Asked Questions

The following list details the locations of burial grounds, cemeteries and the crematorium within West Lothian.
The Memorial was created by the Lothians and West of Scotland Branch of the British Korean Veterans Association to honour the memory of their fallen comrades.
Online form to report any issues or enquiries about Cemeteries