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Winter information and updates

e-Books, e-Audio/Talking books & e-Magazines

Download e-Books , e-Audio/Talking books & e-Magazines to a wide variety of devices for free

EBooks Banner

Experience the world of e-Books, e-Audio/Talking books and e-Magazines with BorrowBox  

 Log in/Register here (opens new window) (or click the image below) and download e-Books, e-Audio/Talking books and e-Magazines to your device using the BorrowBox app.


For further assistance please have a look at the guides below or watch our BorrowBox App - user guide video (opens new window), full instructions are also provided on the BorrowBox site.

West Lothian BorrowBox Quick Start Guide (PDF, 164 KB)(opens new window)

West Lothian eBooks and eTalking Books How to Guide (PDF, 9 MB)(opens new window)


How do I register?

Simply register on the site with your library barcode and PIN (if you require help with this please email (opens new window)), then login and start searching.

What can I borrow?

You can borrow or reserve up to six e-Books or up to ten e-Audio/Talking books and e-Magazines simultaneously for free from BorrowBox (opens new window) and download them to a wide variety of devices.

How long can I borrow them for?

Loans are for 21 days and your loan will automatically expire after this time but you can return your copy early to release it for other users and borrow another. 

e-Books and e-Magazines can be downloaded to computers and laptops directly from our library catalogue (opens new window),  BorrowBox (opens new window) or by downloading the free BorrowBox app to Apple devices, android tablets and smart phones. They can be downloaded to a Kindle Fire but cannot be downloaded to the Kindle reader due to Amazon's policy.  

e-Audio/Talking books can also be downloaded from our library catalogue (opens new window) or BorrowBox (opens new window) or by using the app, to your tablet, smartphone or MP3 player, so you can listen where and when you like.



The library services aims to have a varied selection of stock available to our customers and add more content to increase the collection on a monthly basis. Stock suggestions can be made by emailing (opens new window).  Please provide the details of the title you would like to suggest and why you feel it would be a worthwhile addition to stock.  All recommendations will be considered, however as we operate within a small budget it may not be possible to purchase all suggested items.


Digital books of the month

Multiple copies available to download FREE from 1st January

Digital book of the month - 2
'Picture you Dead' by Peter James

Harry and Freya, an ordinary couple, dreamed for years of finding something priceless buried amongst the tat in a car boot sale. It was a dream they knew in their hearts would never come true - until the day it did...

They buy the drab portrait for a few pounds, for its beautiful frame, planning to cut the painting out. Then studying it back at home there seems to be another picture beneath, of a stunning landscape. Could it be a long-lost masterpiece from 1770? If genuine, it could be worth millions.

One collector is certain it is genuine. Someone who uses any method he can to get want he wants and will stop at nothing.

Detective Superintendent Roy Grace finds himself plunged into an unfamiliar and rarefied world of fine art. Outwardly it appears respectable, gentlemanly, above reproach. But beneath the veneer, he rapidly finds that greed, deception and violence walk hand-in-hand. And Harry and Freya Kipling are about to discover that their dream is turning into their worst nightmare. . .


Digital Book of the Month - 1
'The Illuminations' by Andrew O'Hagan

Standing one evening at the window of her house by the sea, Anne Quirk sees a rabbit disappearing in the snow. Nobody remembers her now, but this elderly woman was in her youth a pioneer of British documentary photography. Her beloved grandson, Luke, now a captain with the Royal Western Fusiliers, is on a tour of duty in Afghanistan, part of a convoy taking equipment to the electricity plant at Kajaki. Only when Luke returns home to Scotland does Anne's secret story begin to emerge, along with his, and they set out for an old guest house in Blackpool where she once kept a room.



Digital magazine of the month

e-Magazine of the month
 BBC Science Focus

Multiple copies available to download FREE 

We're all curious about how the universe works. A brilliant place to start looking for answers is BBC Science Focus Magazine. Each of its annual fourteen issues is packed with news, discoveries, ideas and innovations to keep you up-to-speed with the complexities of the fast-moving world around us.





Children's e-Library

We have a wide selection of children's e-Books suitable for all age ranges and add to our collections monthly.  Check out the latest children's e-books (opens new window) and children's e-Talking books (opens new window)


Adult e-Library

Check out the latest adult e-Books (opens new window) and e-Talking books (opens new window)


If you require any assistance accessing or using our Digital Library please speak to a member of staff in any West Lothian Library or email: (opens new window)


The RNIB website has some helpful information available on RNIB - Reading and Books (opens new window)

RNIB Talking Book Service

The RNIB has made their Talking Book Service available free of charge to any UK resident who is blind, partially sighted or who has an impairment that prevents or limits them from reading standard print.

Giving you access to over 40,000 fiction and non fiction books for adults and children in accessible formats that suits you. 

Simply register on the RNIB (opens new window) site to sign up for this service if you meet the eligibility criteria. Full instructions and help are available on the RNIB (opens new window) site.