Craigshill Community Choices
Craigshill Community Choices is a process that enables the local community to decide how public funding is spent. It aims to improve the overall wellbeing of individuals and families in Craigshill through addressing key issues facing the community. This is a pilot project as part of the wider development of Participatory Budgeting (PB) in West Lothian.

About Craigshill Community Choices
£25,000 has been allocated to the community of Craigshill to address those key issues in the community that have arisen due to COVID-19 and to ultimately improve the wellbeing of the local community. This process gives groups and organisations the opportunity to apply for funding and local people the chance to vote on what projects should receive funding. This way of allocating money gives groups and organisations an opportunity to show how their project can improve an aspect of wellbeing in Craigshill and allows members of the community to decide how the money is spent.
A community survey was carried out to find out more about the impact of COVID-19 on the local community of Craigshill. This was developed by the Scottish Community Development Centre in partnership with Transform Craigshill (Transform Craigshill is the local community-led action group that is supported by the local services and organisations to help make a difference in Craigshill). 191 people took part in the survey. This survey was completed by those who live, learn, work, volunteer, play or do business in Craigshill. The findings from the survey are being used to update the local regeneration plan to ensure the needs of the community, and effects of the pandemic are fully addressed and reflected in the plan.
In light of the survey - and to make sure Community Choices meets the needs of the community, three key themes were identified;
Digital Innovation, Inclusion & Connected Communities: Enabling and supporting local people to be involved in their communities in innovative ways.
Poverty: Supporting individuals and families who are experiencing the negative effects of poverty.
Community Collaboration: Working together to benefit the Community
To find out more about these themes, please have a look at the Guidance Document (PDF, 246 KB)(opens new window)
For more information on Craigshill Community Choices please read the Guidance Document (PDF, 246 KB)(opens new window)
If you would like to apply, please complete the Application Form (Word doc, 66 KB)(opens new window)
If you require more information on Craigshill Community Choices please email or contact Graham Whitelaw ( or Laura Murray (