A review of the Scheme for Establishment of Community Councils in West Lothian and community council boundaries has just entered the final round of statutory public consultation.
The existing Scheme is to be revoked to allow a new Scheme to be adopted in time for the community council elections due to take place in September/October 2025.
The first round of statutory consultation on the existing Scheme and boundaries closed on 28th June 2024. Comments received were considered by a short life working group and, where considered appropriate, they were incorporated into a 1st Draft Scheme and updated boundaries.
The second round of statutory consultation on the 1st Draft Scheme and suggested boundaries commenced on 5 September 2024 and closed at 5pm on 31st October 2024. Comments received were again considered by the short life working group and, where considered appropriate, they have been incorporated into an Amended Draft Scheme and suite of boundary proposals.
The final round of statutory consultation on the terms of the Amended Draft Scheme and amended draft boundaries commenced on 12th December 2024 with comments invited by 5pm on 20th February 2025.
All of the comments received are currently being considered by a short life working group set up to develop a new Scheme and will be taken into account in the creation of a Final Scheme and Final Boundaries which will be presented to a special meeting of West Lothian Council for approval.
If you have any questions please send an email to the Community Council Liaison Officer using the CCLO Email link above. happy to assist.