Education Support Services - Policies and Procedures
Everyone involved in the education of West Lothian's children and young people is working towards an excellence and equity for every learner.
Due to the changing landscape in education those learners with additional support needs are enabled to thrive as part of their class, their school and their wider community. We continue to make sure that all of our children and young people feel included and can participate and achieve to their full potential.
Our inclusive approach affords all children and young people the opportunity to be a part of a community, boosting their emotional wellbeing and aiding the development of social skills. This approach celebrates diversity and allows all children and young people to develop an understanding and recognition of differences. This contributes to the West Lothian vision of the development of inclusive, empathetic communities and directly relates to the Corporate Priorities for the council Education Services Continuum of Support (PDF, 486 KB)(opens new window).
A CSP is an education plan prepared by local authorities for certain children, and young people (school pupils aged 16 - 18 years), who have additional support needs. The plan outlines:
the child's additional support needs
educational objectives that have been set for them to achieve
the support they need to meet these objectives
- improving the quality of our care and care planning;
- improving health and wellbeing; supporting learning and raising attainment;
- supporting employment, training, and positive destinations post-school; and
- providing quality through, continuing, and after care
The Education Support Services policy for Looked After Children provides detailed information regarding process and procedures relating to the support of care experienced children and young people within West Lothian educational establishments. Education Services Policy for Looked After Children (PDF, 637 KB)(opens new window)
West Lothian Council is committed to working with parents, children and other stakeholders to ensure that, wherever possible, all children enrolled at its schools receive an education that maximises the opportunity for every child to achieve their full potential. Attendance and Engagement at School _ Policy and Operational Procedures _ June 2022 (PDF, 2 MB)(opens new window)
Wherever possible, children and young people should be empowered and supported to manage their own healthcare needs and work in collaboration with health professionals, school staff, and their parents, to reach an understanding about how their health affects them and their healthcare needs will be met. Procedures for the Management of Pupils with Healthcare Needs