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Tree Related Issues and Enquiries

You can report tree related issues using the online form below.

Trees on Land Owned / Managed by the Council

The Tree & Woodland Team is responsible for the care and management of trees on West Lothian Council land.

If you believe a tree on council land is dead, diseased, dying or dangerous, causing or likely to cause structural damage, please report this as detailed below.  This will be passed on to a qualified officer who can assess the situation.

Tree Work on Private Trees

Prior to undertaking any work on private trees please check whether or not they are covered by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO)If the tree in question is the subject of a TPO then permission from the council is required.

You can check if a tree or property is the subject of a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) by accessing the TPO Register (opens new window).

Trees within Conservation Areas are also protected and the council requires 28 days' notice prior to any works being undertaken.

The council's Development Management Team (Planning) deals with TPOs and trees within Conservation Areas - contact (opens new window) 

Information on protected trees and applying for permission to undertake work on protected trees can be found on Tree Works.

General Advice on Trees

Staff in the Tree & Woodland Team may be able to give general advice regarding trees. If you require a tree safety survey or other specific advice please seek guidance from a qualified arboriculturalist or arborist.

Reporting Issues Relating to Trees on Land Owned / Managed by the Council

You can report tree issues using the online form below.

Before contacting the council please consider whether or not we will be able to help or not, in line with the council's Tree and Woodland Policy below.

Tree and Woodland Policy

Tree felling or pruning work will only be undertaken where there is good reason and remedial work is deemed appropriate, as part of good tree and woodland management.

The council needs to focus its limited resources on tree safety and the long-term, sustainable management of its trees and woodland for the benefit of the wider community.

The council is unable to address the following issues regarding, what some may consider to be, 'nuisance trees'. 

  • Tree branches overhanging or touching properties, unless this is causing damage to a property. In this instance, the tree will be pruned in such a manner as to avoid repeat pruning within a 3-year period. In some circumstances it may be necessary to fell the tree.
  • Tree perceived to be 'Too Big' or 'Too Tall'.
  • Leaves - The council does not carry out a public leaf collection service.
  • Trees causing lack of light or obstructing a view.
  • Bird droppings from birds roosting in trees.
  • Trees harbouring animal or insect pest.
  • Falling fruit / berries / nuts.
  • Sap / honeydew from certain tree species.
  • Tree pollen
  • Telephone wires - This will be dealt with by the phone provider.
  • TV / Satellite reception - This should be addressed by the provider.
  • Tree roots and drains - Tree roots typically invade drainage pipes which are already broken or damaged

Further Information

For further information on how the council manages its trees and woodland please refer to the Tree and Woodland Management section.

Report /Enquiry Form

Should you wish to report an issue anonymously, please call our Contact Centre on 01506 280000. Privacy Notice - Operational Services - 2023 General Customer enquiries (email, letter and phone) (PDF, 77 KB)(opens new window)