Education - Pupil Equity Funding (PEF)
The PEF national guidance sets out information on how Community Choices can be used as an innovative and effective mechanism to engage with parents and pupils, in particular those who face barriers to participation.

The PEF national guidance sets out information on how Community Choices can be used as an innovative and effective mechanism to engage with parents and pupils, in particular those who face barriers to participation. The national guidance encourages the use of Community Choices as part of the process for the allocation of PEF monies. At this time, it is assumed that PEF monies will continue to be provided by the Scottish Government and that Community Choices will continue to form part of the allocation process. All schools are being supported to allocate at least 3% of PEF funding to Community Choices methods, with a particular focus on how funding can alleviate the cost of the school day. The process of Community Choices will be undertaken individually by each school.