Social Policy - Children and Families
Redesign of Supported Accommodation Services. Over the course of 2020 and 2021, the redesign of supported accommodation services has been progressed through a Community Choices approach via a Public Social Partnership (PSP) involving Social Policy, Housing, Customer and Building Services and other partners.

There is a requirement to redesign housing support for the two main groups of affected young people, those being;
- Those leaving care after the age of 16 but subject to support in relation to aftercare in line with section 29 of the Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968
- Homeless or those vulnerable to homelessness due to young age
Over the course of 2020 and 2021, the redesign of supported accommodation services has been progressed through Community Choices approach via a Public Social Partnership (PSP) involving Social Policy, Housing, Customer and Building Services and other partners.
Work is progressing positively and young people are surveyed to ensure they have an opportunity to contribute to redesign. Concentrated work on redesign took place over December 2020 and into early 2021 before the model/s are put to a 'vote' in late March 2021. It is hoped that up to 100 young people who have utilised services in the recent past and currently as well as some of those who will be using services in the immediate future will contribute. There will be an opportunity for around 20 per cent of the sample group to engage in a focus group as they are in a living environment that will permit this, even with Covid-19 restrictions. The remainder will be supported to complete an e-survey by key workers 'virtually'.