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Winter Service Updates

Winter information and updates

Spanish Class - West Lothian 50+ Network

West Lothian 50+ Network want to host a new activity in Blackburn where local residents over 50 years of age can learn Spanish. Local Network members have expressed an interest in the language and would be delighted if classes were to take place in Blackburn.

The network doesn't currently have any activity groups in Blackburn and they hope that the Spanish classes will spark an interest not only in the Network but lead to other activities taking place in the village.

The programme will benefit participants in a number of ways;

  • Participants will have the opportunity to learn a new language
  • Participants will be able to meet old, and make new friends, in a friendly and safe environment
  • The events will help to reduce participants social isolation and provide companionship

The Network also want to carry out more publicity in Blackburn in order to attract more members. The classes will take place in the Blackburn Partnership Centre and are open to all men and women aged 50 years and above that live in Blackburn.

Amount: £3,150