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Winter Service Updates

Winter information and updates

Roads Maintenance

West Lothian Council is responsible for maintaining an adopted road network consisting of 1043km (648 miles) of carriageways and 1390km of footways. We have an experienced team who are dedicated to providing a safe and reliable road network for West Lothian road users.

Our road network is maintained in line with best practice and the principles of the Well-managed highway infrastructure - Code of Practice (opens new window), which are modified in the light of particular local circumstances and available resource.

More details can be found in our:


Every year we undertake a programme of safety inspections covering the whole road network. Our busiest footways are also inspected and more details can be found in our Roads Asset Safety Inspection Manual (2023) (PDF, 343 KB)(opens new window). In addition reactive inspections are undertaken when we are made aware of defects by members of the public.

Automated condition surveys are undertaken in line with the Scottish Road Maintenance Condition Survey programme. These are supplemented by visual surveys and the information is used in developing our maintenance programme.

Defect Reporting

You can report road and footway defects by using the online forms on this web site or by contacting the Council's 24 hour Customer Services Centre on 01506 280000. A brief description of the damage and the location is very useful in helping us identify the relevant defect.


When we find defects they are prioritised in accordance with our Roads Asset Safety Inspection Manual (2023) (PDF, 343 KB)(opens new window). Where a road requires a lot of repair, or a surface has reached the end of its useful life this is planned maintenance and will be completed under the Capital Programme. We have an agreed funding package for ten years and a rolling three year programme of named schemes is in place.

The Scottish Road Works Online (opens new window) has information of all roadworks on our network including who is undertaking the work and for how long.

Overhanging Vegetation

We would ask all landowners to ensure that plants, bushes and trees do not encroach over roads and pavements. It can be inconvenient and dangerous for pedestrians and cause damage to vehicles. The Council can take action on overhanging vegetation if it is causing an obstruction or poses a danger to road users.

M8 and M9 Motorway maintenance

BEAR Scotland maintain the M8 and M9 motorways, slip roads and bridges on behalf of Transport Scotland.  Customers who wish to report new road defects, gritting issues, potholes, litter etc. on the M8 and M9 trunk roads should contact BEAR Scotland. You can report defects via the report an issue form here (opens new window) or via the Traffic Scotland Customer Care Line 0800 028 1414.
