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Winter Service Updates

Winter information and updates

Element (04): Business Classification

The council have adapted the Local Government Functional Classification Scheme (LGFCS) as a basis to its business classification scheme.

The LGFCS is developed in a structure that supports the business functions and activities of the authority. The LGFCS hierarchy is structured in three tiers:

  • Level 1: Functions
  • Level 2: Activities
  • Level 3: Transactions

The council have expanded upon this to include further levels (levels 4-6) detailing sub-groupings of records types and years. The deployment of ECM in the council has required that file plans are developed to accommodate strict security models, whilst facilitating information sharing and the application of record disposals.

'Information Liaison Officers', 'Local Records Officers' and 'Objective Leads' are defined roles that manage and maintain local file plans for their respective service areas.

The LGFCS was developed by the Information & Records Management Society. Details of the LGFCS can be viewed on their website: (opens new window).