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Building standards performance

Building standards performance figures will be updated on a quarterly basis

Performance is also reported in the Building Standards Verification Annual Performance Report (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window) .

WLC Building Standards Performance

Q3 24/25

 Q2 24/25

Financial Year 23/24

Key Performance Outcome 1. Average time taken to grant a building warrant.   


 57.47 days

57.27  days

63.76 days

Key Performance Outcome 2. Percentage of fully achieved construction compliance plans (CCNP).




Key Performance Outcome 3. Percentage of valid building warrant applications assessed within 20 working days.

 100 %

 100 %

 100 %

Management Performance Indicator 1. Percentage of building warrants approved within 6 days of receiving all necessary additional information.




Management Performance Indicator 2. Average time taken to respond to a request for a completion certificate

 1.18 days

1.10 days

 1.13 days

Management Performance Indicator 3. Percentage of completion certificates accepted within 3 days of satisfactory final inspection.


