This page should give an insight into how a building warrant application is determined
When an application for building warrant is received by building standards, checks are made to:
Determine the extent of the proposals
Check the appropriate fee has been submitted
Allocate the building warrant to a building standards officer (this is done by geographical area)
Register the building warrant application and give the application a unique reference at this point an acknowledgement letter is sent out including a receipt for the fee submitted
The warrants are assessed in date order by the appropriate officer and any areas of the proposals that appear not to meet the building regulations are highlighted in a letter. This letter is sent to the agent or if there is no agent to the applicant.
If you have any queries regarding points on the assessment letter these should be directed to the building standards officer who carried out the assessment (the officers contact details will be on the letter)
When the plans have been revised in line with the assessment letter, they should be sent back into building standards with a letter/note highlighting the areas that have been revised (this helps speed up the process of granting a building warrant)
When all the issues raised have been addressed satisfactorily the officer will grant the building warrant and this will be sent out via post to the agent or if there is no agent to the applicant.
If after re-assessing the revised plans there still appears to be areas that do not meet the building regulations a subsequent letter will be sent out to the agent or if there is no agent to the applicant. This process continues until all areas have been revised to the satisfaction of the officer.
Note if the application is not resolved within 6 months of the initial assessment letter the building warrant application will be recommended for refusal.
Who is an Agent?
Generally an architect / draughtsman / surveyor ; or any person who will prepare your plans and deal with the building warrant application on your behalf.
Who is an Applicant?
Generally the home owner or person employing an agent to prepare plans on their behalf.