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Animal Welfare

This page provides some details on the animal control and related welfare issues delivered by the Environmental Health and Trading Standards service. If your concern is related to the welfare of an animal that you believe to be in distress or neglected we would advise you first contact the Scottish SPCA on 03000 999 999. Please remember that the Scottish SPCA is a charity with limited resources and should only be contacted with genuine animal welfare concerns.

The service deals with a large volume of concerns, requests and enquiries.  It enforces various pieces of dog control and animal welfare related law. Local authority officers will carry out inspections and licensing of local businesses where live animals are kept, including pet shops, boarding establishments, dog breeders and riding establishments.

Due to the wide variety of work carried out within the Environmental Health and Trading Standards service, responses are prioritised. This means that at busy times, only the most important cases can be tackled. The service priorities deal with matters relating to public health and safety.  We cannot routinely respond to general animal welfare enquiries and will only do so when other higher priority work permits.

A dog can be a wonderful addition to any home. The key to owning a happy, well balanced dog is responsible ownership, dedication and time.
Poultry keeping is becoming more popular, but neighbours may have concerns about it.
This page provides information on the legal requirements of dog owners to keep their animals under control and the sanctions available to authorities in dealing with out of control dogs.
All dog walkers have a responsibility to keep their dogs under control and no dog owner would willingly want their dog to be seen as out of control. A dog does not need to be aggressive to be out of control.
The law defines a stray as a dog which is in a public place and not under the charge of a keeper. This means that any dog out with its own property/garden unattended is classed as a stray. An authorised officer has the right to uplift any animal they suspect is a stray under the Environmental Protection Act 1990.
If you have lost your dog, please contact Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home as soon as possible (Tel: 0131 669 5331). If our officers have uplifted any stray dogs we will take them to the home as kennel providers for the Council.
Licensing information for anyone caring for animals in a personal or business capacity.
West Lothian residents who are impacted by noise caused by continual barking of a neighbour's dog(s), either inside or outside their homes, have the right to take action in an attempt to resolve the problem.