Why should I vote?

Information on why yours and everyone's vote counts.

Why vote?

Young people are the least likely, out of all groups in society to be registered to vote and go on to vote at elections. The fact is that 70 per cent of young people in West Lothian will probably not take any part in future elections.

This means that your voice, views and opinions will not influence important issues such as education, health, leisure and work - which affect you, your family and friends. For more information on why you should vote, visit  the Electoral Commission (opens new window).

A short film about why you should vote

Remember that in Scotland you can register to vote if you are 15 years old (and in some cases if you are 14).

Voting is your right, many people in history campaigned and struggled to get voting rights, if you're interested in finding out more information about the history behind voting (opens new window).

How to register to vote 

Today as a result of this struggle, all you have to do is register.  You can register to vote online. (opens new window) Or call the Electoral Registration Office (ERO) on 0131 344 2500.