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Community Learning and Development Youth Services Learning and Development Youth Services provides learning opportunities for young people so that they can develop their potential and reach a positive...
Employee Mental Well-Being fundamental to general wellbeing and the council acknowledges the benefits of supporting employees to achieve healthy working lives, maintaining...
Edinburgh and the Lothians Multi-agency Child Protection Procedures - Plain Text Web Version - 3. Principles underpinning the procedures stages of their involvement in Child Protection processes, and they should be supported to do this by any means necessary. 3. Children...
Edinburgh and the Lothians Multi-agency Child Protection Procedures - Plain Text Web Version - 6. Working with parents/carers in decision making unless this increases the risk to the child. They should be supported to understand what the concerns are and...
Market Supplement Policy of pay paid in addition to basic salary may be justified. This should be supported with clear evidence that the Council's rate of...
Property Management & Development they are deployed and used efficiently and effectively - whether that is to support the delivery of services, or to generate income.
Occupational Therapy to a property to make the environment more accessible and/or signposting to other agencies for further support and advice.
(PG) Planning Guidance : The Historic Environment the achievement of sustainable economic growth by playing a key role in supporting the growth of the area's tourism and leisure industry....
News at Beecraigs Country Park, Public Toilet Refurbishment Parks & Woodland secured grant support from the Rural Tourism Infrastructure Fund...
Book Club - CairnsMoir Connections children and young people, and adults to help improve mental wellbeing and support them in helping to deal with everyday family life.