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  • Special Needs Housing

    ...housing, for example housing for older or disabled people, or houses linked to some support facility for adults with learning difficulties....

  • More Choices More Chances (MCMC) Keyworkers Services

    Our MCMC Keyworkers provide one to one support to young people supporting them to develop the confidence, skills and knowledge to make...

  • Wheatley Care

    Wheatley Care provide community support adults and young people. Service include support for those with mental health issues, learning...

  • No One Left Behind Case Study is a joined-up approach between three services who worked in partnership to support a young person become employed. Participation...

  • Secondary School Admission - Policy and Procedure has more applications than places, the following will be considered: those pupils living within the catchment area of the requested...

  • Gaelic Medium Education

    The parent/carer of any pupil or student can request education in Gaelic medium.

  • Breakfast Clubs

    West Lothian Council extended the free breakfast provision to all pupils in primary schools who want a breakfast.

  • Apply for nursery and school places

    How to apply for nursery and school places in West Lothian through the Pupil Placement section.

  • Homes For Ukraine guidance

    This Scottish Government guidance explains what options and support are available to you when you have sponsored guests for 6 months.

  • Evidence Upload Form

    Provide evidence in support of your benefit claim, DHP Payments, SWF Application etc.