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Acute Care and Support Team (ACAST) ACAST service provides home treatment for adults under 65 years suffering acute mental health problems.
All about Self Directed Support information on self directed support; Who it's for, the four options available in self directed support and eligibility.
Independent Living, Technology and Support Hub to the hub where you can explore a range of supports to help you or your loved one stay at home and maintain independence. The...
Finance questions on Self Directed Support as an individual budget, is a sum of money that has been identified at the support planning stage to meet your agreed outcomes....
Legal questions on self directed support as lacking the capacity to make their own decisions about the care and support that they need. What legal intervention do I require...
West Lothian Dementia Support Centre centre aims to support people with dementia, their families, relatives and friends at any stage of the illness.
Self Directed Support: The 4 Options are four options available through self directed support. Each offer different ways of arranging and delivering an individual's...
Self Directed Support: Eligibility and Contributions on eligibility criteria and financial contributions for self-directed support
Self Directed Support: Who is it for? on who can apply for self directed support.
Option 2 - Directing Your Support your support means you have choice and control over your support without having to take on the responsibility of managing your...