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FOUR PILLARS OF WELLBEING themselves too. It is an outcome of the council's the we have an inclusive and supportive workplace culture where people have confidence...
Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide - Website now our founding patron. Following the death of her brother and finding little support available, she placed an advert in her local...
Jobs in Residential Care - older people council runs several residential homes in West Lothian for people who have been assessed as no longer able to manage in their own home.
Community Outreach Team (Social Work Team) work involvement in the Community Outreach Team ensures that a holistic approach is taken to understanding the needs and difficulties of the individual (...
Prison-based Social Work at Addiewell Prison Prison-based Social Work team is employed by West Lothian Council to provide a social work service to prisoners in HMP Addiewell who will be subject to stat...
Education Maintenance Allowance - Frequently Asked Questions asked questions regarding EMA
Youth Music Initiative It aims to assist in Scottish Governments commitment that every school pupil should be offered a year of free music tuition...
Out of Hours Care Emergency Social Care Emergency Team (SCET) provides emergency social work services outwith normal office hours. The team works in co-operation with other council ser...
SCH 869 FP - Bodyshop (Coach Hire Edinburgh) School St Nicholas' Primary Important Information This service allows pupils who are not entitled to free school transport...
SCH 814 FP - Bzzzy Bus Bzzzy Bus School Bathgate Academy Important Information This service allows pupils who are not entitled to free school transport...