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Gambling Licences and Permits Lothian Licensing Board has a range of functions under the Gambling Act 2005
Commenting on a planning application can make comment on current planning applications in various ways and for as many reasons as you like. But if you do object, the council can only consider w...
Litter Prevention and Education litter problem and how to help. We all want West Lothian's streets towns and villages to be clean and tidy and we all need to work together to achieve this....
Spotlight On out about some of our volunteers Spotlight on - Ian Nicol My name is Ian Nicol and I have been a volunteer with the Advice Shop for around 5 years. I am ...
Free provision of Period Products of Period Products provision, single use & reusable, throughout West Lothian.
Key Sectors Lothian is a modern, high performance knowledge-based economy, with world-wide links, creating jobs and a rising quality of life for those living and worki...
Local council services are funded via two types of budgets Lothian Council will agree both a revenue budget and a capital budget.
Self-build Housing and the Self-build Housing Register self-build housing register allows the council to understand the demand for self and custom-build housing plots and to ensure that this is considered when d...
Disputing your Housing Benefit award to do if you think your Housing Benefit decision might be wrong?
Local Development Plan (LDP 1) Local Development Plans (LDP) is prepared by the local planning authority, in this case West Lothian Council. It sets out a local interpretation of the requir...