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  • Triple P

    Positive Parenting Programme

  • The HR Team

    Details on what we do and how to get in touch

  • Housing with Care

    West Lothian Council, in partnership with four Housing Associations, has developed a new style of housing for older people called Housing With Care.

  • Homeless Health

    A unique partnership between West Lothian Council and NHS Lothian was established in 2000 .The overarching aim of the Homeless Health Team is to improve and mai...

  • Stop Smoking Service

    Smoking is the biggest single cause of preventable chronic illness, disability and premature death in Scotland.

  • Financial Assessment Process

    Any service user who receives a "chargeable service" will be assessed to determine how much they can afford to pay towards the cost of those services they recei...

  • Quality Improvement

    Quality improvement in the MSK Out-Patients West Lothian Service. Within MSK out-patient Physiotherapy, Quality Improvement is extremely important to us. We wan...

  • Winter Ready for Schools

    In the event of closures schools will contact parents/carers in the normal way via Groupcall. Parents/carers should ensure that their school/nursery has up to d...

  • HR Forms

    A range of downloadable forms available from human resources.

  • Policies, Procedures and Guidance

    Information on the councils employment policies and procedures along with associated guidance, forms and additional resources