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Livingston North Partnership Centre please visit Carmondean CIS For full information visit Ability Centre Support Service Is a day support service for adults...
Moving into a care home funded. West Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership offers services to support people with various needs. It may be agreed...
Referral from health to WLC community based settings staff to make referrals to the following community based services, CRABIS, Support at Home, Community Occupational Therapy, Adult...
Caring for someone with a heart problem common problem in the UK. This book offers practical information, advice and support to people who care for someone with...
Short-Term Wheelchair Loan a wheelchair is required to support someone in West Lothian for a short period of time, and they meet the criteria, a free loan of...
Community Renewal Fund has recently launched the Community Renewal Fund, which has been designed to support communities and to pilot a new and flexible...
Option 4 - Mix and Match can have more choice and control in respect of some aspects of their care and support than in others depending on their needs, circumstances,...
ALISS (A Local Information System for Scotland) to find and share information on organisations, services, groups, resources and support in their local communities and online.
Carers of West Lothian to meet the needs of unpaid carers and disabled people in West Lothian. They offer a wide range of services, advice and support
Answer Day Centre for older people with physical and/or mental infirmity who require day care support. The centre also offers carers respite