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  • Livingston North Partnership Centre

    ...information please visit Carmondean CIS For full information visit Ability Centre Support Service Is a day support service for adults...

  • Moving into a care home

    ...Authority funded. West Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership offers services to support people with various needs. It may be agreed...

  • Referral from health to WLC community based settings staff to make referrals to the following community based services, CRABIS, Support at Home, Community Occupational Therapy, Adult...

  • Caring for someone with a heart problem

    ...particularly common problem in the UK. This book offers practical information, advice and support to people who care for someone with...

  • Short-Term Wheelchair Loan

    If a wheelchair is required to support someone in West Lothian for a short period of time, and they meet the criteria, a free loan of...

  • Community Renewal Fund

    ...Government has recently launched the Community Renewal Fund, which has been designed to support communities and to pilot a new and flexible...

  • Option 4 - Mix and Match

    ...they can have more choice and control in respect of some aspects of their care and support than in others depending on their needs, circumstances,...

  • ALISS (A Local Information System for Scotland)

    ...professionals to find and share information on organisations, services, groups, resources and support in their local communities and online.

  • Carers of West Lothian

    ...developed to meet the needs of unpaid carers and disabled people in West Lothian. They offer a wide range of services, advice and support

  • Answer Day Centre

    ...facilities for older people with physical and/or mental infirmity who require day care support. The centre also offers carers respite