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Winter Service Updates

Winter information and updates

The Naming of New or Existing Council Buildings or Public Spaces

West Lothian Council has an agreed protocol for dealing with requests for the naming or renaming of heritable council property, public spaces or any other places otherwise in the control of the council.

New or updated building or public space names can preserve history for future generations, reinforcing the sense of place. Names should meet at least one of the following criteria: -

  • honour and commemorate noteworthy persons associated with the local area, or West Lothian as a whole
  • commemorate local history, places, events or culture, and in particular any that pertain to the site
  • celebrate cultural diversity in West Lothian
  • strengthen neighbourhood identity

A copy of the agreed protocol is available below: -

Protocol for Renaming Council Property or Public Spaces (PDF, 198 KB)(opens new window)