Celebrating Book Week Scotland 2022
On Saturday 19th November, students from Adult Learning Literacies groups, came together at Howden Park Centre to celebrate the achievements of our Adult Learners. Learners presented examples of their Learning Journeys, be it stories or poems they had created when on their adult literacies course, or a description of their own learning journey.
The stories were presented either by the students themselves, or by professional storyteller Colin McGuire (opens new window).
Also the morning was documented in real time by illustrator Jules Scheele (opens new window).
At the event, we also took the opportunity to acknowledge Charlie Shepherd, who has been volunteering in classes supporting adult literacies learners with West Lothian Adult Learning for the last 30 years.
It was a great experience to hear the learning journey's and creations of the adult learners who have attended our classes, and thanks to the learners, their families, relatives, tutors and ex-tutors from the service, and other volunteers. A great morning was had by all.