Reading, Writing & Numbers

Classification | SQA Number | Level | Title | |
Numeracy | H6BT 71 | L1 | Handling Money | |
Numeracy | H6BV 71 | L1 | Recognising Numbers | |
Numeracy | H6BW 71 | L1 | Number Processes | |
Numeracy | H6BX L1 | L1 | Using a Calculator | |
Numeracy | H6BY 71 | L1 | Shape | |
Numeracy | H6C1 71 | L1 | Handling Information | |
Numeracy | H6C2 71 | L1 | Time | |
Numeracy | H6C4 71 | L1 | Measurement of Length | |
Numeracy | H6C5 71 | L1 | Measurement of Volume | |
Numeracy | H6C6 71 | L1 | Measurement of Weight | |
Numeracy | F3GJ 08 | L2 | Using Numbers - Time | |
Numeracy | F3GH 08 | L2 | Using Numbers - Money | |
Numeracy | F3GL 08 | L2 | Using Numbers - Measuring | |
Numeracy | F3GG 08 | L2 | Using Graphical Information | |
Numeracy | F3GL 09 | L3 | Using Numbers - Measuring | |
Numeracy | F3GK 09 | L3 | Using Numbers - Calculation | |
Numeracy | F3GG 09 | L3 | Using Graphical Information | |
Numeracy | F3GF 10 | L4 | Numeracy (Combined) |
This unit is about recognising and using money in real life contexts. To achieve this unit, you will need to show that you can a) identify a range of coins and/or banknotes e.g. this might be identifying three different coins or banknotes up to a value of £5 and b) use appropriate coins and/or banknotes to pay for an item e.g. this might be giving enough money to a cashier in the café for a cup of coffee up to a value of £5.
This unit is about recognising and ordering numbers. To achieve this unit, you will need to show that you can a) recognise whole numbers from 0 to 20 e.g. this might be reading numbers from a clock face and b) order whole numbers from 0 to 10 e.g. this might be putting numbers in order of value such as a number line or it might be putting numbered pages in order for a booklet.
This unit is about recognising and using whole numbers in real life contexts. To achieve this unit, you will need to show that you are able to a) add two whole numbers and b) subtract two whole numbers.
This unit is about recognising and using whole numbers in real life contexts. To achieve this unit, you will need to show that you are able to use a calculator to a) add two whole numbers and b) subtract two whole numbers.
This unit is about recognising shapes in real life contexts. To achieve this unit, you will need to show that you are able to a) recognise 2D shapes and b) recognise 3D shapes and c) use 2D and 3D shapes in everyday activities.
This unit is about interpreting and organising information in real life contexts. To achieve this unit, you will need to show that you are able to a) find information from given data and b) sort real life items into sets.
This unit is about recognising time in real life contexts. To achieve this unit, you will need to show that you are able to a) read time correctly from a display and b) match times of day to routine activities.
This unit is about recognising and using length in real life contexts. To achieve this unit, you will need to show that you are able to a) order familiar objects according to length and b) measure the length of familiar objects.
This unit is about recognising and using volume in real life contexts. To achieve this unit, you will need to show that you are able to a) order familiar objects according to volume and b) measure the volume of familiar objects.
This unit is about recognising and using weight in real life contexts. To achieve this unit, you will need to show that you are able to a) order familiar objects according to weight and b) measure the weight of familiar objects.
This unit should take 10 hours plus practice at home. This unit is about using and understanding times to help you to solve simple problems. To achieve this unit you will need to show that you can (a) recognise and use simple fractions e.g. ¾ of an hour is 45 minutes, (b) compare 2 times e.g. 11am and 2pm, (c) Use both the 12 and 24-hour clock systems e.g. 14:00 is the same as 2pm, (d) Solve problems by calculating time e.g. work out how long a bus journey takes.
This unit should take 10 hours plus practice at home. This unit is about using and understanding money to help you solve simple problems. To complete this unit, you will need to (a) use whole numbers and decimals with money e.g. this could be using amounts like £5 or £2.45 when you are solving money problems, (b) add, subtract, multiply and divide using money e.g. this could be adding the cost of 2 items of shopping together or working out how much change you are due. You can use a calculator to help (c) solve problems using money e.g. this might be working out the total cost of some shopping and giving your answer (d) comparing 2 amounts of money e.g. you might be asked to say which of 2 items is the cheapest.
This unit should take 10 hours plus practice at home. You will be able to get information from a very simple table containing one type of information (e.g. a timetable) or a very simple diagram (e.g. a diagram of a two-dimensional shape such as a floor plan or a very simple map). You will also be able to add information to a very simple table containing one type of information (e.g. a timetable) and a very simple diagram (e.g. a diagram of a two-dimensional shape such as a floor plan or very simple map).
This unit should take 10 hours plus practice at home. Get information from and give information through at least one of the following (a) a simple table containing two categories of information e.g. a timetable or a distance table, (b) a simple chart e.g. bar or pie chart, (c) a simple graph e.g. a line graph with a simple scale, (d) a simple diagram e.g. a diagram of a two-dimensional shape such as a floor plan; a two-dimensional representation of a familiar three-dimensional shape such as a cube; a simple map. You will need to know how to interpret graphical information and how to represent information graphically.
This unit should take 10 hours plus practice at home. This unit is about solving problems using measuring tools. To complete this unit you will need to (a) make measurements using a measuring instrument e.g. this could be reading a temperature on a thermometer or measuring a length using a ruler, (b) recognise units of measurement e.g. knowing that cm stands for centimetre, (c) be able to compare measurements and make decisions, e.g. you might be asked to work out which room is hottest or decide if you have enough flour for a recipe, (d) recognise whole numbers and decimals and be able to add and subtract them e.g. you might be asked to add two lengths together.
This unit should take 10 hours plus practice at home. This unit is about solving problems using different measuring tools. To complete this unit you will need to (a) make measurements using a different instruments, e.g. this could include weighing out some sugar, measuring the amount of water in a jug, setting the temperature on a cooker or measuring a length using a ruler, (b) solve problems using the measurements you take e.g. you might be asked to work out which of 2 bags of sugar is the heaviest, (c) recognise whole numbers and decimals e.g. you might be asked to add two amounts together or subtract one amount from another.
This unit should take 20 hours plus practice at home. This Unit is about being able to use the correct notation for (a) whole numbers e.g. 5, (b) simple decimals e.g. 2.45, (c) simple percentages e.g. 20%, (d) simple fractions e.g. ¾, (e) simple ratios e.g. 5:1. You will be able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide and carry out simple calculations involving either whole number percentages e.g. 20% OR simple fractions e.g. ¼. You will be able to decide which calculations need to be carried out and in what order e.g. add, then multiply and then draw conclusions from the results of your calculation.
This unit is about using straightforward numerical skills in everyday settings that involve graphical information, calculations, and solving problems. The content is very similar to the level 3 assessments but they are all combined and covered in one topic.
Classification | SQA Number | Level | Title | |
Communication | H6B7 71 | L1 | Recognising Character in Fiction | |
Communication | H6BA 71 | L1 | Responding to Ideas in Fiction | |
Communication | F3GM 08 | L2 | Listening | |
Communication | F3GN 08 | L2 | Reading | |
Communication | F3GP 08 | L2 | Speaking | |
Communication | F3GR 08 | L2 | Writing | |
Communication | F3GM 09 | L3 | Listening | |
Communication | F3GN 09 | L3 | Reading | |
Communication | F3GP 09 | L3 | Speaking | |
Communication | F3GR 09 | L3 | Writing | |
Communication | F3GB 10 | L4 | Communications (Combined) |
You will need to convey information about a character from a piece of writing. Your assessor will ask you to listen to or watch a recording. You will then Identify the main features of character and express an opinion about a character.
You will respond to the main ideas from a written work of fiction. Your assessor will ask you to listen to or watch a recording. You will then convey information about the main idea(s) and express an opinion about the main idea.
This unit should take 10 hours plus practice at home. You must produce a factual piece of writing of at least 25 words. A spell checker, dictionary or thesaurus can be used. Maps, diagrams, photos etc may be included to support the text which can be created by hand or computer. It must be your own work. The assessor will be looking for appropriate words, mainly correct spelling, appropriate layout, grammar and punctuation.
This unit should take 10 hours plus practice at home. You must produce a factual piece of writing of at least 80 words. A spell checker, dictionary or thesaurus can be used. Maps, diagrams, photos etc may be included to support the text which can be created by hand or computer. It must be your own work. The assessor will be looking for appropriate words, mainly correct spelling, appropriate layout, grammar and punctuation.
This unit should take 10 hours plus practice at home. You will need to read a short non-fiction piece. This could be instructions, a letter, an e-mail, a leaflet, a short article from a newspaper or magazine, a short job description. Then you will work out what the writing is for and pick out important ideas or information.
This unit should take 10 hours plus practice at home. You will need to read a short non-fiction piece. This could be instructions, a letter, an e-mail, a leaflet, a short article from a newspaper or magazine, a short job description. Then you will work out what the writing is for and pick out important ideas or information. You must then decide if the piece of writing works.
This unit should take 10 hours plus practice at home. You will need to use your speaking skills with a minimum of one other person. You may take part in a discussion, explain how something works, give a short presentation on a topic, take part in an interview. It will need to last at least one minute. You will have spoken clearly using words which your listener understands. The assessor will listen for you changing your pace and tone of voice along with how you use body language to help the way you speak.
This unit should take 10 hours plus practice at home. You will need to use your speaking skills with a minimum of one other person. You may take part in a discussion, explain how something works, give a short presentation on a topic, take part in an interview. It will need to last at least two minutes. You will have spoken clearly using words which your listener understands. The assessor will listen for you changing your pace and tone of voice along with how you use body language to help the way you speak.
This unit should take 10 hours plus practice at home. You will need to use your listening skills in everyday communication with at least one other person. This may be listening to one piece of advice, listening and responding to instructions, listening to a TV or radio broadcast, taking part in a discussion or getting more information or further explanation on a topic. You need to listen for at least one minute and identify the main point and vocal cues or body language of the speaker.
This unit should take 10 hours plus practice at home. You will need to use your listening skills in everyday communication with at least one other person. This may be listening to one piece of advice, listening and responding to instructions, listening to a TV or radio broadcast, taking part in a discussion or getting more information or further explanation on a topic. You need to listen for at least two minutes and identify a few main points and vocal cues or body language of the speaker.
This Unit is about using straightforward reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills in situations in your personal life, at work, and in education. The actions are similar to those at level 3 but all four assessments are combined here and will be covered in one topic.
Classification | SQA Number | Level | Title | |
Core Skills | F3GD 08 | L2 | Problem Solving | |
Core Skills | F3GD 09 | L3 | Problem Solving | |
Core Skills | F3GE 08 | L2 | Working with Others | |
Core Skills | F3GE 09 | L3 | Working with Others |
This unit should take 40 hours plus practice at home. You will be able to (a) recognise some of the main factors that affect a very simple situation or issue e.g. what are the causes of the problem and why has the situation arisen, (b) decide on a course of action to deal with the problem, asking for help if you need it, (c) work out some steps for an action plan e.g. who will do what, and when will they do it, (d) choose what they need to carry out the action plan e.g. equipment, information, money, or help from other people, (e) carry out the action plan, (f) decide how good their action plan was and how well it solved the problem using a checklist suggested by their tutor.
This unit should take 40 hours plus practice at home. You will be able to (a) recognise some of the main factors that affect a very simple situation or issue e.g. what are the causes of the problem and why has the situation arisen, (b) decide on a course of action to deal with the problem, asking for help if you need it, (c) work out an action plan to deal with it e.g. what steps need to be done and in what order, (d) choose what they need to carry out the action plan e.g. equipment, information, money, or help from other people, (e) carry out the action plan checking if it is complete, (f) decide how effective your action plan was using a checklist suggested by their tutor e.g. did your plan run to time and did you have enough resources.
This unit should take 40 hours plus practice at home. You will be able to identify what your own role is, what you will do within the co-operative activity and/or activities, what tasks you will carry out, and how these relate to the roles of others. You will carry out your own role in the co-operative activity and/or activities. You will be able to ask for information and support from the other people involved e.g. ask for help when they need it or ask for information from others in the group. You will be able to give information and support to other people e.g. by asking others if they need help; explaining something if you know more about it. You will be guided by your tutor, review your own contribution to the co-operative activity and/or activities e.g. Did you complete all your tasks? Did you get things done on time? Did you seek support from others? Did you help others as much as you could? Were you polite and respectful to others? You will give an example of a strength and an area for improvement in your own contribution to the co-operative activity and/or activities e.g. What did you do particularly well? What did you find difficult? You will be guided by your tutor, set objectives for how you could improve you own skills and knowledge for the future.
This unit should take 40 hours plus practice at home. A candidate undertaking the unit will be able to identify what their role is, what they will do, and how these relate to the roles of others within the co-operative activity and/or activities. They will carry out their own role in the co-operative activity and/or activities, adapting their role as necessary e.g. accommodating any difficulties. They will ask for information and support from the other people involved e.g. Can they assist if the learner needs help? Can they give the information the learner needs? They will provide information and support to other people e.g. by asking if they need help; listening carefully to their needs and wishes; explaining something which the learner knows more about; acting considerately towards them. They will decide on measures which they can use to judge their contribution to the co-operative activity and/or activities e.g. Did they complete all their tasks? Did they get things done on time? Did they seek support from others? Did they help others as much as they could? They will ask for feedback and/or advice on their contribution to the co-operative activity and/or activities. They will review their own contribution to the co-operative activity and/or activities against their chosen measures. They will identify strengths and areas for improvement of their own contribution to the co-operative activity and/or activities e.g. what did they do particularly well. They will set objectives for how they could improve their own skills and knowledge for the future.