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Integrated Impact Assessments

Integrated Impact Assessments (IIAs) are an important part of the public sector's decision-making process.

When we plan a new service, review an existing one, or develop a policy we think about the range of people who might use that service, or be affected by that policy and what barriers to access they may experience.

It enables the council to:

  • Develop better policies and practices based on evidence
  • Help prevent or mitigate against potential negative impacts
  • Meet our legal, moral and business requirements in terms of Equality, Human Rights, and poverty
  • Be more transparent and accountable

Integrated Impact reports

Recent Integrated Impact reports are available to read (older reports are available on request)


A searchable database of Equality Impact Assessments published by West Lothian Council.
This guidance must be used in conjunction with the Integrated Impact Assessment Template
Integrated Impact Assessment Template