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Extra support to feed West Lothian children over Festive period

Additional help has been put in place to ensure West Lothian families can feed their families over the Festive period.

10 December
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£30 West Lothian Council payment for children in receipt of Free School Meals

The council recognises the financial pressure some local households face to purchase additional food when schools are closed. 
This year, because of the Covid-19 pandemic, those pressures are more significant. To ease the financial burden on households, the council will make a one-off award of £30 per child to support parents, carers or guardians with the purchase of food during the school closure over the Christmas and New Year holiday. 
This payment will be made to parents, carers or guardians in low income households for children in P4 to S6 who receive Free School Meals in this current academic year 2020/21.  Children in P1 to P3 receiving universal entitlement to Free School Meals will qualify for a payment if they received a School Clothing Grant in this current academic year.    
If you qualify for this payment, the Education Benefit Team will contact you by email to confirm when the payment will be made. Enquiries regarding the payment should be directed to (opens new window)
For information on the qualifying conditions and how to apply for a School Clothing Grant and Free School Meals please go to School Clothing Grants, Free School Meals & Milk


£100 Scottish Government payment for children in receipt of Free School Meals

The Scottish Government are making a one-off award to low income households of £100 per child for children in P4 and above who are in receipt of Free School Meals.  You do not need to apply for the payment, it will be paid automatically.  Children in P1 to P3 who receive universal entitlement to Free School Meals are not entitled to this payment unless the family are on a low income. You will receive a payment for each child in P1 to P3 if you have other children in the household in P4 or above who receive Free School Meals.

If your child/children do not currently receive Free School Meals because of low income and you feel that you would qualify, you can get more information and apply online at School Clothing Grants, Free School Meals & Milk. Applications received before 18 December 2020 will be considered for this one-off payment. 

Parents, carers and guardians who currently qualify for this payment will be contacted by email by the Education Benefit Team and payment will be made prior to 24 December 2020.  Applications that have been received but not finalised before 17 December 2020 will be paid in January 2021.



For more information on the Scottish Government payment and qualifying conditions, please go to (opens new window)



Additional support
If you need additional support, please contact the Advice Shop by phoning 01506 283000 to speak to an adviser who can offer help, advice and support. Or complete the referral form:
Advice Shop Online Referral Form

If you are in urgent need of immediate financial assistance West Lothian Council's Scottish Welfare Fund may be able to help. Please refer to the guidance to apply for a crisis grant:
Scottish Welfare Fund