Fire Safety in the Home
Home Fire Safety Visit - the following details will help you to organise a free home fire safety check
The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service offer everyone in Scotland a free home fire safety visit.
Get your free home fire safety visit now!
It's so easy to arrange! You can get in touch via the following options:
- Complete our online form (opens new window)
- call 0800 0731 999
- call your local fire station (opens new window)
- text "FIRE" to 80800 from your mobile phone.
Everybody's home is at risk of fire. It's important to know how to reduce the chances of fire happening in your home and, if it does, how to protect yourself.
Cooking accidents, overloaded sockets, faulty appliances, smoking and drinking are just some of the reasons why there are so many house fires in Scotland.
One lapse, such as leaving a pan unattended or failing to put out a cigarette properly, could change your life forever
Protecting yourself and your home
None of the people hurt last year thought a fire would happen to them in their home. A few simple points can help you to spot risks in your home and to think about how to deal with them.
Smoke and heat alarms could help save your home, and your life.
- Test them WEEKLY and never remove the batteries.
- If an alarm doesn't sound, fit a new battery.
- If it still doesn't sound, buy a new alarm.
Every year:
- Replace the battery (unless you have a special 'long-life' alarm with a built in battery or your alarms are hard-wired to the electrical system).
- Choose a date you'll remember, like a birthday or anniversary.
- Gently vacuum the inside and outside casing. If you're decorating or creating a lot of dust, use an elastic band to secure a plastic bag over the smoke alarm casing - don't forget to take it off when you're done.
Further fire safety information can be sought from clicking on the following link to ensure that you have as much information about Your Safety (opens new window) as possible.