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Local Outcomes Improvement Plan

West Lothian's Local Outcomes Improvement Plan sets out how the Community Planning Partnership will deliver improved outcomes for its communities.

Early Years - Single Outcome Agreement

Local Outcomes Improvement Plan (LOIP)

Local Outcomes Improvement Plans are the mechanism by which Community Planning Partnerships deliver improved outcomes for their communities. They are based on a clear understanding of local needs and reflect agreed local priorities, as well as the National Performance Framework developed by the Scottish Government. The Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 has given CPP's a clear statutory purpose focused on improving outcomes, reducing inequalities and community participation.  The Act requires the Community Planning Partnership to produce two types of plan which describe our local priorities and how we plan to improve on these; A Local Outcomes Improvement Plan (LOIP) and Locality Plans. 

The LOIP sets out the local outcomes the CPP will prioritise and how the CPP will deliver on these. It is a 10-year strategic plan that outlines how community planning partners will work with communities to improve outcomes for individuals, families and communities.

West Lothian CPP have recently reviewed their LOIP and a new 10-year plan has been agreed. West Lothian's Local Outcomes Improvement Plan (PDF, 3 MB)(opens new window)focuses on those issues that have been identified by partners and stakeholders that require additional strategic action from across the CPP. Four pillars have been identified which represent those specific key areas and issues that require collaborative action by the CPP. The four pillars are:

  • Creating Skills & Jobs
  • Improving Health and Wellbeing
  • Creating Net-Zero Carbon Communities
  • Creating Affordable & Sustainable Housing

The LOIP is underpinned by a delivery plan which sets out the actions that will be taken forward to achieve the outcomes that sit within the pillars.  These will be taken forward by the relevant group within the CPP structure. 

The Tackling Poverty Strategy 2023-2028 (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)is key to the delivery of the Local Outcomes Improvement Plan. This is West Lothian Community Planning Partnership's plan of how we intend to tackle poverty in West Lothian. This strategy has an overall purpose to help minimise the impact of poverty on the people of West Lothian. Its object is to ensure that people are equipped to cope with the challenges they currently face; those of the current, deep, economic recession and the welfare reforms.