Early Learning & Childcare (nursery & childminder) places 3year & 4year Olds
Thank you for using the link on the on-line submission confirmation or the auto-reply message from pupilplacement@westlothian.gov.uk inbox, to access further information on Early Learning & Childcare (nursery & childminder) places for 3 and 4 year olds. This page is updated as we pass each milestone in the annual process:
'Nursery' - is the term that most people know, however 'Early Learning & Childcare (nursery & childminder)' is the term we use because it includes council nurseries, private nurseries and childminders and parents can choose to be considered for any of these for their child's funded placement. 'Early Learning & Childcare (nursery & childminder)' may also be shortened to 'ELC'.
'Ante Pre-school year' - the year a child first becomes eligible for 'Early Learning & Childcare (nursery & childminder)' as a 3 year old.
'Pre-school year' - the 2nd year that a child is eligible for 'Early Learning & Childcare (nursery & childminder)' as a 3 or 4 year old.
- 01 March to 31 August - they are eligible to start from the autumn term (August) immediately following that birthday
- 01 September to 31 December - our policy allows this group of children to start from their 3rd birthday.
- 1st January and the last day of February, they are eligible to start from the summer term (April) immediately following that birthday
For those children whom 2024/2025 is their 'Ante Pre-school year', the information below details when they become eligible for nursery as a 3 year old:
- 01 March 2021 to 31 August 2021 ‐ they are eligible to start from the start of the Autumn term 12 August 2024.
- 01 September 2021 to 31 December 2021 ‐ our policy allows this group of children to start from their 3rd birthday, these are Spring Term eligibility.
- 01 January 2022 and the 28 February 2022 -they are eligible to start from the start of the Summer term 22 April 2025
Closing dates for places in 2024/2025 -
15 March 2024 - for 'Pre-school year' and the Autumn and Spring Term intakes for 'Ante Pre-school year' applications.
As this date has passed any new applications/ change requests submitted will be considered as received. Those who wish to make a new application/change request, please use our Early Learning & Childcare (ELC) 3 and 4 year old provision Application Form. We aim to answer as soon as possible but at most within 4 weeks.
15 November 2024 - for the Summer Term intake for 'Ante Pre-school year' applications.
Applications for this group of children received after the 15 November 2024 will be considered, but only after applications received by this closing date have been considered and the decisions sent out. This means late applications/change requests will be considered in March 2025.
Decision letters for places in 2024/2025 will be issued by-
End of May/beginning of June 2024 - for 'Pre-school year' and the Autumn and Spring Term intakes for 'Ante Pre-school year' applications.
As this date has passed decision letters have already been issued. Those who want to make a new application or make a request to change their child's placement, please use our Early Learning & Childcare (ELC) 3 and 4 year old provision Application Form. We aim to answer as soon as possible but at most within 4 weeks.
End of February 2025 - for the Summer Term intake for 'Ante Pre-school year' applications.
Decision letters for applications/change requests received after the 15 November 2024 will be issued by the end of March/beginning of April 2025.
For those children whom 2025/2026 is their 'Ante Pre-school year', the information below details when they become eligible for nursery as a 3 year old:
- 01 March 2022 to 31 August 2022 ‐ they are eligible to start from the start of the Autumn term 11 August 2025.
- 01 September 2022 to 31 December 2022 ‐ our policy allows this group of children to start from their 3rd birthday, these are Spring Term eligibility.
- 01 January 2023 to 28 February 2023 -they are eligible for to start from the start of the Summer term after the Easter holidays 2026.
Closing dates for places in 2025/2026 -
15 March 2022 - for 'Pre-school year' and the Autumn and Spring Term intakes for 'Ante Pre-school year' applications.
Applications for this group of children received after the 15 March 2025 will be considered, but only after applications received by this closing date have been considered and the decisions sent out. This means late applications/change requests will be considered in July 2025.
15 November 2025 - for the Summer Term intake for 'Ante Pre-school year' applications.
Applications for this group of children received after the 15 November 2025 will be considered, but only after applications received by this closing date have been considered and the decisions sent out. This means late applications/change requests will be considered in March 2026.
End of May/beginning of June 2025 - for 'Pre-school year' and the Autumn and Spring Term intakes for 'Ante Pre-school year' applications received by this closing date.
Decision letters for applications/change requests received after the 15 March 2025 will be issued by the end of July/beginning of August.
End of February 2026 - for the Summer Term intake for 'Ante Pre-school year' applications.
Decision letters for applications/change requests received after the 15 November 2025 will be issued by the end of March/beginning of April.
2 Full Day attendance - a full place means a child is allocated 2 full days between Monday to Thursday and a short session. We may be able to offer a 2 full day place but not the specific combination of days requested - if this happens your child will be on the waiting list for your preferred combination of days. We ask parents to confirm their choices for the next nursery year every February. If we don't hear back we will assume that you want your child to continue in the place they have been granted in the current year. Our letter tells parents how to change their choices for the next nursery year, if they wish to do so.