Information about Taxi and Private Hire Cars
Information regarding licensed hire cars and drivers
When travelling in either a licensed taxi or private hire car members of the public should be aware of how they can check that the vehicle and the driver is licensed.
There are two types of hire cars licensed by West Lothian Council:

Taxis are vehicles which are identified by a taxi sign on the roof which when lit up indicate that the taxi is available for hire. West Lothian taxis are identified by square blue and white plates which are fitted at the front, rear and interior of the vehicle and show a licensed number. You can hail a West Lothian taxi in the street or hire one at a taxi rank or by pre-booking through a booking office. All West Lothian taxis accommodate between 5 and 7 passengers and must be:
- accessible by passengers travelling within wheelchairs by means of suitable ramps into the side doors of the vehicle
- fitted with hi-visibility interior features, interior grab rails , a retractable step and a loop system for use by hearing impaired travellers

Private Hire Cars
Private Hire Cars cannot use taxi ranks or be hailed in the street. They must be must be pre-booked. They do not have roof signs and are identified by having white rectangular signs on their front doors indicating that they must be pre-booked. They also have green oblong licence plates fitted under their registration plates and interior plates giving the licence number of the vehicle.
Private Hire Cars can be either:
- saloon vehicles licensed to carry only 4 passengers; or
- larger vehicles fitted with rear passenger lifts which are licensed to carry 8 passengers; these vehicles are suitable for passengers travelling within heavier or bulkier wheelchairs who cannot easily access a vehicle by means of a ramp
Important information
Drivers of all licensed taxis and private hire cars are also required to be licensed by the Council. They are subject to a strict vetting check carried out by Police Scotland. If you are in any doubt as to whether the driver is licensed you should ask to see his ID badge.
All taxis and the vast majority of private hire cars have meters which should be capable of being viewed by passengers. If the private hire car doesn't have a meter the driver must agree a fare with you before the journey starts.
If you are in any doubt as to whether a car is a licensed vehicle:
1. Don't get in
2. Try to remember description of vehicle - registration number if possible
3. Report unlicensed vehicles to Police Scotland (opens new window)
Complaints regarding licensed taxis or private hire cars and their drivers should be made to the Licensing Team. These should be made in writing by email or letter to the Licensing Team providing full details of the nature of the complaint.