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Information and Statistics

Find the latest population and census figures for West Lothian.


The population of West Lothian is 183,820 (National Records of Scotland 2020 mid-year estimate) and it is predicted to increase throughout the period to 2043 with the population predicted to be 190,057 at 2025, 194,464 at 2030 and 203,320 at 2043 (National Records of Scotland 2018 based population projections). For the latest information available please see the Council Area Profile provided by the National Records of Scotland (opens new window)



For census and other data about population and households:

Scotland's Census 2011 (opens new window) - is the main source of information from the 2011 Census.

National Records of Scotland (NRS) (opens new window) - are responsible for the registration of births, marriages, civil partnerships, deaths, divorces, and adoptions. NRS runs the Census and uses Census and other data to publish information about population and households. NRS is the main source of family history records.

Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics (opens new window) - is the Scottish Government's on-going programme to improve the availability, consistency and accessibility of small area statistics in Scotland. The website provides information on a range of small area statistics including information on health, education, poverty, unemployment, housing, population, crime and social / community issues at the data zone level and above.