Householder planning application guidance
Proposed works to a residential property

Guidance on Householder Permitted Development Rights 2024 (opens new window) has been published by the Scottish Government . It explains what works people can carry out to alter or improve their home without an application for planning permission.
Where planning permission is required, we have produced design guidance (PDF, 251 KB)(opens new window) which will be considered in the assessment of any submitted planning application. The council supports good neighbour relations, and we would strongly suggest that you discuss any alterations or extensions you're thinking of with your immediate neighbours at an early stage, whether planning permission is required or not. This will help to ensure that your proposal doesn't affect your neighbours' amenity, and should help to avoid problems at a later stage.
More information can be found on the Scottish Government's website (opens new window), which has flowcharts (opens new window) that you might find useful.