Call 01506 282407 and then choose the relevant option. This is an automated payment line and you will need your account reference number and debit/credit card.
Call the Customer Service Centre on 01506 280000 option 1, then option 3
Phone 01506 280150 to make an appointment to speak face to face with a Customer Information Service (CIS) Adviser.
What if I need to speak to someone for further advice on payments?
The Customer Information Service (CIS) is open on an appointment basis to deal with enquiries regarding all council services; including payments, account balances, arrears/debt.
Customers should phone 01506 280150 to book an appointment to speak with a CIS Adviser
The Advice Shop provides help and advice to customers on a number of matters including welfare benefits, energy costs, debt and arrears.
Further information on the support available, including times for drop in sessions and how to contact them, can be found here: Advice Shop
Alternatively, customers can call 01506 283000 to speak with an adviser.
The Advice Shop is based within The Jim Walker Partnership Centre (Bathgate).
Payment Office Closures: FAQs
Elected members agreed a set of budget saving measures in February 2023. The closure of the Payment Offices were part of these budget saving measures. The payment offices closed on Thursday 28th March 2024.
There are several payment methods available to customers, for example:
Direct Debit
Council Tax Portal
Tenants Portal
PayPoint (for rent and council tax a payment card is required)
Post Office (for rent and council tax a payment card is required)
Further details on alternative payment options can be found above and also in WLC buildings.
A payment card can be provided to West Lothian residents for council tax and to all West Lothian Council housing tenants.
Payment cards contain your name and account details and allows money to be paid into the appropriate rent or council tax account.
Your payment will take 5 working days to be processed if made via PayPoint.
Information regarding the cash payment, and how to access it, will be sent via text/email to your smart phone. This will contain a bar code which can be scanned at a PayPoint outlet.
If you do not have a suitable mobile device you will be asked to attend a CIS Office where you will be given a letter containing a barcode which you will take to a PayPoint outlet. The PayPoint retailer will use the barcode on the letter to issue the payment.
The Advice Shop can provide information and/or support on a range of topics.
Drop in session days/times are given on the Advice Shop page or call 01506 283000.